

Variable Default Type Description
cart "ct-cart" string Cart Class Name
product "ct-product" string Product Class Name
product_title "ct-product-title" string Product Title Class Name
product_price "ct-product-price" string Product Price Class Name
product_button "ct-product-button" string Add to Cart Button Class Name
(new) product_image "ct-product-image" string Product Image Class Name
(new) product_wishlist "ct-wishlist" string Wishlist Class Name
currency "$" string Currency
currency_after_number "false" boolean Enable/Disable showing currency after price value
permanent_cart_buttons "false" boolean Enable/Disable Permanent Checkout/Clear buttons in Cart
permanent_total_value "false" boolean Enable/Disable Permanent Total Value in Cart
animation " " string Add Cart Item Animation
empty_disable false boolean Enable/Disable "Cart is empty" text
empty_text "The Cart is Empty" string Change text visible when cart is empty


Variable Default Type Description
business " " string Your PayPal ID or an email address associated with your PayPal account. Email addresses must be confirmed.
currency_code "USD" string The currency of the payment.
lc "EN" string The locale of the login or sign-up page, which may have the specific country"s language available, depending on localization.
cpp_cart_border_color " " 6 single-byte hexadecimal characters The HTML hex code for your principal identifying color. PayPal blends your color to white in a gradient fill that borders the cart review area of the PayPal checkout user interface.
cpp_payflow_color " " 6 single-byte hexadecimal characters The background color for the checkout page below the header.
no_note "0" 0/1 Do not prompt buyers to include a note with their payments. (1 – hide the text box and the prompt)
no_shipping "0" 0/1/2 Do not prompt buyers for a shipping address. Allowable values are: (0 – prompt for an address, but do not require one; 1 – do not prompt for an address; 2 – prompt for an address, and require one)
return " " url The URL to which PayPal redirects buyers browser after they complete their payments.
cancel_return " " url A URL to which PayPal redirects the buyers browsers if they cancel checkout before completing their payments.


Variable Type Description
init function fires after first initialization
before_add_to_cart function fires before append to cart happen
after_add_to_cart function fires after append to cart happen
remove_item_from_cart function fires after click a remove button in cart
before_checkout function fires before redirecting to paypal
after_clear_cart function fires after clearing the cart
after_value_changes function fires when total value changes
(new) before_add_to_wishlist function fires before append to wishlist happen
(new) after_add_to_wishlist function fires after append to wishlist happen
(new) remove_item_from_wishlist function fires after remove button in wishlist

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